Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm possible!” ~Audrey Hepburn

What We Do
With over 40 years of combined experience in the fields of mental health and substance abuse treatment, we offer clinical psychotherapy to adolescents, adults, couples & families. We offer professional trainings and workshops in a range of clinical modalities for therapists and other helping professionals. We also offer consultation to agencies, schools & businesses on a variety of mental health and substance abuse issues. For individual providers, we provide clinical supervision. For more information or to schedule an initial consultation, please contact us at the contact number listed below.

Individual Therapy
Find Your Path
Life is basically one big "choose your own adventure" book, and you're the star. Sometimes the path forward seems unclear, and the path behind you all too clear. Let us help you figure out where you are are, how you got here, and most importantly, where you want to go next!

Family Therapy
Helping Families Heal
It's often said that kids don't come with an instruction manual. Cold comfort if you're a parent struggling to manage a family. Allow us to help you fill in the blanks, better manage the challenges of maintaining a family, and perhaps most importantly, gain some relief and peace of mind, all the while increasing the solidity of your family, and the joy of being a parent.

Couples Therapy
Finding Harmony
Beyond knowing firsthand the challenges of maintaining a long-term relationship, our combined 40+ years of clinical experience working with couples and families assures you your best opportunity to balance your needs, those of your partner, and most importantly, to restore harmony in your most important relationship.
Training & Consultation

Clinical Training
With our knowledge base encompassing multiple states, agencies, populations, and modalities, we offer a unique take on oft-covered material, as well as new insights into existing paradigms. We offer trainings in clinical modalities for mental health and substance abuse providers practicing in both the public and private sectors.

School Consultations
With our extensive practice background working with children, adolescents, schools, families, law enforcement, and the juvenile justice system in multiple states and systems, we offer tailored trainings and consultation to assist school staff at all levels in balancing the provision of superior learning opportunities, while also managing disciplinary and family issues.

Business/Organization Consultations
As any leader knows, culture is everything. With our extensive experience in working with systems, we provide consultation, assessment, and ultimately simple, effective strategies to target problems affecting employee morale and productivity. We can help you address those issues in a supportive manner to optimize your business environment and success.